29 July Seventeen miles is the distance from Jutiapa to Yupiltepeque, Guatemala. Fr. Miguel, Ignacio, and Eduardo walked the entire distance today. On Facebook, a challenge was issued to donate $1 per mile walked today. Here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/events/2912501462334804/?active_tab=discussion . Isn’t this a great idea? For the last couple of days, Fr. Miguel and his traveling companions have been graciously …
Month: July 2021
Day 7: Jutiapa, Guatemala
It has been a long but exciting week for Fr. Miguel, Eduardo, and Ignacio. Tomorrow it will begin the second week since they set out on the Camino de San José. They’ve walked a little over 70 miles. Their route has looked roughly like this (blue dots): But if you zoom out, you can see how far they still have …
Day 5: Ayarza, Guatemala
So far, Fr. Miguel and his companions have walked more than 50 miles! And they’ve only just begun! 22 July The journey started on Thursday with Mass at San José parish in Palencia, Guatemala. They walked through San José Pinula where Fr. Miguel had a bit of assistance with his backpack. 25 July In San José Rinconcito Fr. Miguel was …
Day 1: Palencia, Guatemala
22 July The journey has begun! I spoke with Fr. Miguel this morning and could hear the excitement in his voice. Yesterday he began the day with Mass at San Jose, Palencia. There was a news crew on hand who covered the event and aired a wonderful piece. It’s in Spanish, but you don’t have to understand everything to pick …
On Their Way
Father Miguel and his companions have taken their first steps on “El Camino de San José”. They received some excellent local news coverage.
“El Camino de San Jose” made the news again in anticipation of tomorrow’s launch. That video is also available at https://www.chapintv.com/noticia/el-camino-de-san-jose/ .
Muni Palencia News
Enjoy this excerpt of the special interview with Father Miguel prior to the walk that he will make from the Parish of San José, Palencia, Guatemala to the Metropolitan Cathedral of San José, Costa Rica. Peregrinación de Palencia, Guatemala hacia Costa Rica ?️ Les compartimos la entrevista especial con el Padre Miguel Alvizures, previo a la caminata que realizará desde …
The pandemic has caused an economic downturn around the world. Many charities, including schools and churches that were temporarily closed, have had a difficult time raising the funds they need to survive. Some institutions are in desperate need. For this reason, Father Miguel Alvizures is undertaking a 750 mile pilgrimage from San Jose, Palencia, Guatemala to the Cathedral of San …